You can't fool me with that one......
Bill did you shrink????
Umpire thinks he is one of the backup singers for the Pointer Sisters. Ken
splitting a gut.
Nice hit Ken, There was a reason we brought you down here.
What did that catcher say about me?
I bet this catcher is a good ping pong player!!!!!!
Where is my BAT!!!!
Terry, I told you this is not your bat......
Maybe if I just hold my bat here the ball will bounce off the handle.
I dare you the try and pick me off. I want to rumble with this first
John, checking to the next pitch.
The ball just stopped, like are they using mirrors???
These bases are a lot further than the little league ones.......Oxygen!!!!!!
Now that one hurt.
But he told me we were only doing a "Ping" for service.
The twins Ron and Terry. Ron were are the shades?
Jim, can you change it to a 4:30 tee time. This could be a
You better not be taking a picture of us or I will rip you a new one.
Rubber arm Joe. How many innings did you pitch this week.
Ron at second. You want me to cover what?????
Ron, I hope you have first?????
Its a bird, its a plane,,,,, no its just Ken making another diving play.
I hope Gail got a picture of this. They all think I was faking the injury.
I' ve got you beat.
Doug - If he throws me that pitch again, I am going to cancel his car insurance
Marvin keeping the team fired up.
Elmers teeth are still rattling after that shot to the helmet.....
Ron thinking, Did Mark have beans last night or rice???
Mark, you are shrinking!!!
Now how does Ichiro do this sleave thing??????
Terry with one to left.
That big first baseman is afraid to stand by me.....
Doug, it looks like 1 good dive and you will be at second...
Dave- This guy looks serious....
What donut???
If I ignore him maybe he won't see me.
Fair or Foul??
Jim and Dave
Lefty at third??
How is this guy safe???
I am tired of field #1
why isn't anyone listening to Dougs pep talk????
Bill and Ken were looking for the speaker for the drive in theater......
MVP Andy is
MSBL '07
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FS Results
45+ pt1
45+ pt2
45+ pt3
45+ pt4
45+ Results
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Terrys pix
Elmers pix
AZ Fall League