2007 45+
Mountain Division
Why!!!!!!!!!! I Guess it was for the championship ring we got...........
Too many pictures of this guy. He must paid the photographer
Elmer is smiling, it must be the first inning....
Ron Pfaff......
The gloves go on your hands.......Or as Joe would say....Idiot.
Jay......come on... At least let me foul one off.
Put me in coach. I am ready to play.
We finally found something Jim can do.....................
Pretty good form for a Freshman coach!!!!!!! If my players could only see me
You would be kicked out of a high school game with what is in that back pocket.
Get the bat off your shoulder Joe...
oh my aching back.......
Another day in Paradise Andy
Ken dreaming....Please don't throw it inside.
Elmer catching. I got down here, now how do I get up??
Andy, you are not supposed to trip him, just tag him....
God I hope they do not steal.....
Are you guys ready to RUMBLE??????
make it float.................................
Looks like you are putting a voodoo hex on the batter.
So how much fiber did you eat this morning?????
Mark reaching for his jug of hooch. Jay thinking why did I come down
Terry swinging 1 handed again..
Joe telling St. Thomas First baseman , " I finished pissing before you
Dave with as much armor as a Sherman Tank.
Mark! "Watch out for that guy behind you"
My arm hurts, Maybe I should just use one hand???
Bill with both feet off the ground at once.
You both can't hit at once.
Bill with another base hit.
Is the ball ever going to get here???
I wonder what language that catcher is using. I think he just said
something about me.
MSBL '07
Web Info
FS Results
45+ pt1
45+ pt2
45+ pt3
45+ pt4
45+ Results
Bills pix
Terrys pix
Elmers pix
AZ Fall League